
A Polymathic Perspective On Creating A Purpose-Built Life + Business to Maximize the Human Experience

  • These writings serve as resources for those interested in human behaviour, philosophy, entrepreneurship, and the broader intellectual exploration of universal principles across various topics. These essays are publicly shared on, encouraging innovative thinking, thought leadership, and continued personal development for individuals seeking to expand their awareness and consciousness to maximize human potential personally and professionally.

  • If I ask you to identify your biggest problem, the chances are you going to identify a symptom, not the actual problem. The factors behind the challenge often uncover the subconscious strategies and underlying issues.  So I decided to write on the unpopular topics that my clients are grappling with behind the scenes that are impacting their finances, business, relationships and fulfillment by utilizing simple yet profound human behaviour principles grounded in universal laws (+/-).

Business Solution

Company Culture + People

Finances + Cash-Flow

Business Strategy & Planning

Operations & Execution

Sales & Marketing

Innovation & Team Development

Mission, Vision & Purpose

Entrepreneurship & Start-Ups

Personal Mastery

Mindset & Human Behaviour

Personal Priorities & Values

Goal Setting & Self-Management

Productivity & Time-Management

Leadership & Influence

Relationships & Family Dynamics

Health & Wellness

Travel & Adventure